Will - 1780 (Ballaugh)

Ballaugh December 27

This is confirmed by the subscribing witnesses to be the last will and testament of Ellinor Mylrea otherwise Caine, wife of John Mylrea of said parish who departed this life on or about the 21st instant made and declared the same being in perfect mind and memory at the making thereof in manner following:

First she bequeathed and left to her mother all shaped clothes woollen & linen

Item she left sixpence to each claimant and sixpence to each of the witnesses of her last will and testament

And lastly she nominated, constituted and appointed William Boddaugh and Mark Carine of said parish sole and whole executors of all the rest of her goods moveable and immoveable whatsoever

Witnesses Thomas Crellin, John Mughtyn] jurati

At the Chapter Court holden at KK Michael November 22 1780 the executors are worn in Court in form of law to be true and just the one to the other in the division of the effects, and have given pledges for the payment of debts and legacies, namely the witnesses of the will

Probatum est Solvit

Charles Crebbin, William Clucas, H… Cubbon

  1. Ellinor's husband was John Mylrea, Sumner for the parish of Ballaugh according to his MI and born 1706. According to Parr's abstract of laws (c1690), sumners had a range of duties including collecting tithes, bringing offenders to prison and standing at the door during a Church service to "whip and beat out the dogs".
  2. John's father was William Mylrea, quite possibly the third son of William Mylrea & Ann Christian born in 1667
  3. Ellinor was John's second wife. First wife was Joney Kinread, who died in 1764
  4. Ellinor & John Mylrea were married in 1765 and although they had three children, none seems to have survived since they are not mentioned in Ellinor's will (1780) or John’s (1781)

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Last updated: May 2024